Adapter for a payment or in-app purchase platform




autoRefreshIntervalMillis: number = 0

The GooglePlay bridge

id: Platform = Platform.GOOGLE_PLAY

Adapter identifier

initialized: boolean = false

Prevent double initialization

name: string = 'GooglePlay'

Adapter name

ready: boolean = false

Has the adapter been successfully initialized

retry: Retry<Function> = ...

Used to retry failed commands

supportsParallelLoading: boolean = false

Set to true if receipts and products can be loaded in parallel

trimProductTitles: boolean = true


  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • Returns true on Android, the only platform supported by this adapter

    Returns boolean


  • Find a purchaseToken for an owned product in the same group as the requested one.


    • productId: string

      The product identifier to request matching purchaseToken for.

    • Optional productGroup: string

      The group of the product to request matching purchaseToken for.

    Returns undefined | string

    A purchaseToken, undefined if none have been found.

  • Finish a transaction.

    For non-consumables, this will acknowledge the purchase. For consumable, this will acknowledge and consume the purchase.


    Returns Promise<undefined | IError>

  • Refresh purchases from GooglePlay

    Returns Promise<undefined | IError>

  • Prepare the list of SKUs sorted by type


    Returns {
        inAppSkus: string[];
        subsSkus: string[];

    • inAppSkus: string[]
    • subsSkus: string[]
  • Initializes a platform adapter.

    Will resolve when initialization is complete.

    Will fail with an IError in case of an unrecoverable error.

    In other case of a potentially recoverable error, the adapter will keep retrying to initialize forever.

    Returns Promise<undefined | IError>

  • Open the platforms' billing management interface.

    Returns Promise<undefined | IError>

  • Parameters

    • result: "OK" | "UserCanceled" | "UnknownProduct"

    Returns void

  • Called by the bridge when a purchase has been consumed


    Returns void

  • Called when the platform reports update for some purchases


    Returns void

  • Called when the platform reports some purchases


    Returns void

  • Replay the queue of transactions.

    Might ask the user to login.

    Returns Promise<undefined | IError>