Receipt data as validated by the receipt validation server


collection: VerifiedPurchase[]

The collection of purchases in this receipt.

id: string

Id of the product that have been validated. Used internally.

latestReceipt: boolean

True if we've used the latest receipt.

nativeTransactions: NativeTransaction[]

Raw content from the platform's API.

sourceReceipt: CdvPurchase.Receipt

Source local receipt used for this validation

validationDate: Date

Date and time the receipt was verified

warning?: string

Optional warning message about this validation.

It might be present when the server had to fallback to a backup validation solution (like a cached response or using local validation only). This happens generally when communication with the platform's receipt validation service isn't possible (because it's down, there's a network issue, ...)

When a warning is present, you should threat the content of this receipt accordingly.


  • get raw(): {
        collection?: VerifiedPurchase[];
        date?: string;
        id: string;
        ineligible_for_intro_price?: string[];
        latest_receipt: boolean;
        transaction: NativeTransaction;
        warning?: string;
  • Get raw response data from the receipt validation request

    Returns {
        collection?: VerifiedPurchase[];
        date?: string;
        id: string;
        ineligible_for_intro_price?: string[];
        latest_receipt: boolean;
        transaction: NativeTransaction;
        warning?: string;

    • Optional collection?: VerifiedPurchase[]

      The collection of purchases in this receipt.

      An array of ValidatorPurchase

    • Optional date?: string

      Date and time the receipt was validated.

      It will provide the client with a more reliable clock time than the user's device when needed.

    • id: string

      Id of the product that have been validated

    • Optional ineligible_for_intro_price?: string[]

      List of product ids for which intro price isn't available anymore

    • latest_receipt: boolean

      Tell the plugin that we've used the latest receipt

    • transaction: NativeTransaction

      Native transaction detail

    • Optional warning?: string

      A warning message about this validation.

      It might be present when the server had to fallback to a backup validation solution.


  • Finish all transactions in the receipt

    Returns Promise<void>