Optional options for the AppleAppStore adapter

interface AdapterOptions {
    autoFinish?: boolean;
    discountEligibilityDeterminer?: DiscountEligibilityDeterminer;
    needAppReceipt?: boolean;


autoFinish?: boolean

Auto-finish pending transaction

Use this if the transaction queue is filled with unwanted transactions (in development). It's safe to keep this option to "true" when using a receipt validation server and you only sell subscriptions.

discountEligibilityDeterminer?: DiscountEligibilityDeterminer

Determine which discount the user is eligible to.

Param: applicationReceipt

An apple appstore receipt

Param: requests

List of discount offers to evaluate eligibility for

Param: callback

Get the response, a boolean for each request (matched by index).

needAppReceipt?: boolean

Set to false if you don't need to verify the application receipt

Verifying the application receipt at startup is useful in different cases:

  • Retrieve information about the user's first app download.
  • Make it harder to side-load your application.
  • Determine eligibility to introductory prices.

The default is "true", use "false" is an optimization.