Postal address for a contact.

interface PostalAddress {
    ISOCountryCode?: string;
    city?: string;
    country?: string;
    postalCode?: string;
    state?: string;
    street?: string;
    subAdministrativeArea?: string;
    subLocality?: string;


ISOCountryCode?: string

The ISO country code for the country or region in a postal address, using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.

city?: string

The city name in a postal address.

country?: string

The country or region name in a postal address.

postalCode?: string

The postal code in a postal address.

state?: string

The state name in a postal address.

street?: string

The street name in a postal address.

subAdministrativeArea?: string

The subadministrative area (such as a county or other region) in a postal address.

subLocality?: string

Additional information associated with the location, typically defined at the city or town level, in a postal address.