An object that defines a summary item for a payment that occurs repeatedly at a specified interval, such as a subscription.

RecurringPaymentSummaryItem is a subclass of PaymentSummaryItemType and inherits all properties of the parent class.

Add a summary item of this type to the paymentSummaryItems property of a PaymentRequest to display to the user a recurring payment in the summary items on the payment sheet.

To describe a recurring payment, set the summary item values as follows:

  • In the amount property, provide the billing amount for the set interval, for example, the amount charged per week if the intervalUnit is a week.
  • Omit the type property. The summary item type is only relevant for the PKPaymentSummaryItem parent class.
  • Set the startDate and endDate to represent the term for the recurring payments, as appropriate.
  • Set the intervalUnit, intervalCount, and endDate to specify a number of repeating payments.
interface RecurringPaymentSummaryItem {
    amount: string;
    endDate?: number;
    intervalCount: number;
    intervalUnit: IPeriodUnit;
    label: string;
    startDate?: number;
    type?: SummaryItemType;

Hierarchy (view full)


amount: string

Summary item’s amount.

The amount’s currency is specified at the payment level by setting a value for the currencyCode property on the request.

endDate?: number

The date of the final payment. The default value is nil which specifies no end date.

In milliseconds since epoch.

intervalCount: number

The number of interval units that make up the total payment interval.

intervalUnit: IPeriodUnit

The amount of time – in calendar units such as day, month, or year – that represents a fraction of the total payment interval.

Note. "Week" is not supported.

label: string

Short, localized description of the item.

startDate?: number

The date of the first payment. The default value is undefined which requests the first payment as part of the initial transaction.

In milliseconds since epoch.

Type that indicates whether the amount is final.