accountThe account type selected by the cardholder.
Note: Some cards can be processed using either a credit or debit account and cardholders have the option to choose which account to use.
additionalThe additional information used for verification.
amountAmount for the transaction.
String representation of a decimal number.
Automatically filled from the PaymentRequest
billingThe billing address used for verification. Optional.
Automatically filled from the PaymentRequest
cardAn authentication created using this property should only be used for adding a payment method to the merchant’s vault and not for creating transactions.
If set to true (REQUESTED), the authentication challenge will be requested from the issuer to confirm adding new card to the merchant’s vault. If set to false (NOT_REQUESTED) the authentication challenge will not be requested from the issuer. If set to BTThreeDSecureAddCardChallengeUnspecified, when the amount is 0, the authentication challenge will be requested from the issuer. If set to undefined (UNSPECIFIED), when the amount is greater than 0, the authentication challenge will not be requested from the issuer.
challengeIf set to true, an authentication challenge will be forced if possible.
emailThe email used for verification. Optional.
Automatically filled from the PaymentRequest
exemptionIf set to true, an exemption to the authentication challenge will be requested.
mobileThe mobile phone number used for verification.
Only numbers. Remove dashes, parentheses and other characters.
nonceA nonce to be verified by ThreeDSecure.
shippingThe shipping method chosen for the transaction.
versionSet to V2 if ThreeDSecure V2 flows are desired, when possible. Defaults to V2
Used to initialize a 3D Secure payment flow.