User account identifier in the third-party service.

interface ExternalAccountIdentifiers {
    externalAccountId?: null | string;
    obfuscatedExternalAccountId?: null | string;
    obfuscatedExternalProfileId?: null | string;


externalAccountId?: null | string

User account identifier in the third-party service. Only present if account linking happened as part of the subscription purchase flow.

obfuscatedExternalAccountId?: null | string

An obfuscated version of the id that is uniquely associated with the user's account in your app. Present for the following purchases: * If account linking happened as part of the subscription purchase flow. * It was specified using when the purchase was made.

obfuscatedExternalProfileId?: null | string

An obfuscated version of the id that is uniquely associated with the user's profile in your app. Only present if specified using when the purchase was made.