Register a function called when a transaction is approved.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a transaction is finished.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a transaction is initiated.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a transaction is pending.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a receipt is updated.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when all receipts have been loaded.
This handler is called only once. Use this when you want to run some code at startup after all the local receipts have been loaded, for example to process the initial ownership status of your products. When you have a receipt validation server in place, a better option is to use the sister method "receiptsVerified".
If no platforms have any receipts (the user made no purchase), this will also get called.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a receipt failed validation.
callbackName: stringRegister a function called when a receipt is verified.
callbackName: string
Store events listener